Get In Touch
Timau Plaza, Along Timau Road,
Nairobi, Kenya
Ph: +254 765 941 351
Ph: +254 115 965 194

Public Relations and Communication

We are a top PR agency that takes pride in storytelling. We create narratives to advance your agenda and protect, enhance and build your brand's reputation through the media, social media, or self-produced communications.

A symphony of
functional voice

What exactly
do we do?

With PR we don’t buy advertisements, we don’t order journalists to write stories for our clients, we don’t produce cute radio jingles, and we don’t hand out free samples at the mall. Yes, we try to promote our clients, their products or themselves. But unlike in advertising, we persuade our external or internal audiences via unpaid or earned methods.  Whether it’s the traditional media, social media or speaking engagements, we communicate with our audiences through trusted, not paid, sources.

Strategy development

We delve into your strengths and weaknesses, ask what makes you unique, identify the core personas you need to engage with, and, most importantly, define what success looks like to you. From there, we will define a communications program that will attract, engage and drive results.

Media Relations

We handle the relationship between the media and your company. Tactics include writing speeches, press releases and pitches to journalists and influencers to attain mentions in industry news and get more media coverage.

Reputation Management

We support clients in uncovering their authentic identity in ways that echo to stakeholders and inspire support for their long-term business vision. One of the main drivers of competition comes from reputation. We generate in the minds of key stakeholders’ favorable perceptions about companies to form the reputational capital.

Influencer Relations

We conduct outreach and engagement with social influencers to build credibility and authority. 

Strategic messaging

We define your mission, vision and, goals in an attractive and compelling way. We take your competitors into consideration, too. Key messages will be translated into mission statements and elevator pitches, company backgrounders, and words to best associate with your brand.

Digital PR

We use online methods to increase awareness of your brand. To make the most impact, digital PR relies on Internet-based strategies such as unlinked mentions, search engine optimization, content marketing, influencer outreach and social media.

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